Boat Launch 2023
Many hands are required to launch boats please let us know if you are available.
Time & Location
May 06, 2023, 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
74 Lighthouse Rd, 74 Lighthouse Rd, St. Catharines, ON L2N 7P5, Canada
DYC boat launch with the club's travel-lift is a member run operation that typically takes between 3 to 4 days over the period of two weekends. Many hands, many eyes and many brains are they key to achieving a successful boat launch.
Launch Schedule flexibility
The order in which DYC boats are launched is largely predetermined by the order in which they were placed in the storage yard by the travel-lift during the previous haul-out. A rough estimate schedule of each boats' launch time will be updated as boats are launched and can be view by members online here.
Weather permitting, boats are launched continuously from 8am to 5pm on each day. This means that if the launch sequence is ahead of schedule members initially scheduled to launch on the next day may be asked to launch a day sooner. Similarly, if the launch sequence is behind schedule members may be moved to the following launch day.
The launch crew will be monitoring the schedule updates and contacting members with significant schedule changes as soon as possible.
Members availability on site
It is critical that the boat owners be available well in advance of the estimated start time of their boat launch, and ideally spend the day in the yard socializing and helping launch other members' boats.
Boats will not be launched without the owner present. In the absence of the owner the travel-lift crew may decide to move a boat to another location in the yard in order to access subsequent boats in the laucnh sequence. Substantial delays and other complications can occur when boats need to be unexpectedly moved rather than launched with the owner. For this reason is it is critical that the owner be at their vessel when it is time for their boat to be launched.
The launch schedule will be on display in the G. Scarcliff "Learn to Sail" building, where there will also be refreshments and socializing. The Fleet/Yard Chair (James Desjardins) will be with the travel-lift helping to coordinate the boat launch and updating the schedule. Operators of the travel-lift and tractor will be predetermined, however, many hands are required to launch boats and if you’re comfortable and want to help out, please sing up by clicking the "register" button within this calendar event.
Once you have secured your boat in its slip, please return to the storage yard to continue to offer assistance as required for launching the balance of the boats and storing cradles.
Boat Launch Guidelines
Prior to any boat being launched, the owner or their designate shall report to the Yard Chair (James Desjardins), where an order and approximate launch time will be reviewed.
Please support your fellow members and be prepared to stay after your boat is launched to assist other club members’ launch their boats as they did with yours.
Only owners/crew members directly associated and capable of assisting with launch should be in the yard. Children and those unable to assist can wait on the walkways/pathways outside of the lifting area. Once the boat is floating and the slings are removed, the additional crew may join the vessel to move it over to its assigned slip.
You will the need the following:
- Sling Stickers on hull/toe rail both sides – we will have extra stickers at the travel-lift.
- 4 lines 20’ to 40’ long tied to bow and stern for launching boat
- Hang an appropriate number of fenders on the both sides.
Additional Preparations
- Start your engine in the compound (let it run for no longer than 15 seconds) to ensure that you will be able to motor away from the launch area. Please dispose of antifreeze solutions in an environmentally safe manner
- Make sure that your boat name and the owners name are on the cradle. Mark the cradle for bow and stern. Erase all other markings.
- Prior to launching ensure that your boat is unlocked when it is lifted in so you can quickly inspect the bilge for any water leaks.
- If you are antifouling under your pads, during the lift, be very careful not to get any paint on the slings as it could get on the top sides of the next boat to be lifted.
- To speed up haul out in the fall, and if you are happy with the position of the boat in your cradle, anchor your base keel board to the cradle and screw a block of wood across the front and or back of your keel to show where you want the boat placed back in the cradle at lift out. Alternatively painting a line on the keel and cradle will be acceptable.
All tripping hazards must be removed from the deck and cockpit areas. Decks and cockpits must be clear of all items, no exceptions. Some examples of tripping hazards include, but are not limited to:
- Booms, whiskers poles, docking poles, oars must all be removed and stowed below deck or off the boat (this includes removing poles from stanchion storage systems). No exceptions will be granted.
- All dodgers, biminis and enclosure canvas must be removed. The metal tubing structures for the canvas are to be removed or securely fastened so they do not pose a hazard to the crew. This is especially important on power boats where standing areas for the crew handling the slings is limited
- Anchors may be left in their normal bowsprit roller but must be securely fastened. Anchor chain/rode may be left attached to the anchor but must be stowed in the anchor locker. If stowing is not possible remove anchor chain/rode from the deck
- Mast hole covers must be securely fastened. For example, loose board, rocks or blocks are not permitted
- No loose personal items should be left in the cockpit or on the deck.
- To reduce risk of damage from the slings, it is recommended that items such as BBQ, life rings, etc. normally fastened to the outside of the bow pulpit or stern pulpit be removed, including dinghy outboards.
- Ensure your sling points are well marked on the hull’s topside, black tape on the lifelines also helps. Keep in mind balance points, propeller, speed and depth transducers, etc.